Did you know…?

Did you know…?

Of the 73,724 births in Ireland in 2010 that 24,860 were to unmarried parents.  That’s nearly 34%. Unmarried families are not recognised in the Irish Constitution and they do not possess the same legal rights and obligations as the family based on marriage. Having an unmarried father’s name on his child’s birth certificate does not give … Read more

Treoir meets Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence

Treoir met the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, on 24th February 2012, to discuss the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission on Family Relationships and upcoming family law legislation. The topics discussed included the legal rights of unmarried fathers, guardianship rights for those acting in loco parentis, compulsory birth registration, legal age to consent to sexual … Read more

ALERT: New Information for Recipients of Rent Supplement

Significant changes have been introduced to the maximum rent limits under the Rent Supplement Scheme. The reductions, averaging 13%, were introduced on 1st January for new claimants. The new limits will apply to existing claimants when their claims are reviewed or if they move to new accommodation. Minister Burton flagged in her budget speech that … Read more

Treoir meets Minister for Children

Treoir works to promote the rights and best interests of unmarried parents and their children in Ireland. Treoir met the Minister for Children, Frances Fitzgerald TD, on the 19th of October 2011 to express its concerns about issues affecting unmarried parents. Pictured at the meeting in Leinster House were Margaret Dromey (CEO, Treoir); Frances Fitzgerald (Minister … Read more

Treoir Cohabitants Campaign

The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 introduced new rights and responsibilities for cohabitants, opposite and same sex,  who are living together for 5 years and for 2 years where they have a child. The Family Support Agency has funded Treoir to run an information campaign around the cohabitants part … Read more

Nearly 60% of all births to unmarried parents are to parents living at the same address

Nearly 60% of all births to unmarried parents are to parents living at the same address, clearly showing that cohabitation is on the rise. Yet these families, though treated in the same way as married couples by theDepartment of Social and Family Affairs, are seriously disadvantaged within the tax system if one of them chooses … Read more

Children may get an Article in Bunreacht na hÉireann

At last, children may get an Article in Bunreacht na hÉireann specifically for them.  Treoir, the national federation of services for unmarried parents and their children expressed their delight at the proposed visibility of children inthe Irish Constitution. In responding to the third report of the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children, Treoir … Read more

Rights for Unmarried Families

Rights for Unmarried FamiliesTreoir extends its congratulations to the Law Reform Commission on addressing the rights of unmarried fathers, grandparents, step parents and indeed recognising that all children, irrespective of the marital status of their parents, have a right to a relationship with their fathers and extended families without any obstacles… Download Press Release